The ministry of the Team is guided by tradition but is characterized by many expressions of flexibility in the services. Although there are a number of elements of the services that are usually included, there is no fixed liturgy that is repeated weekly except for the Lord’s Prayer. The rotation of worship leadership provides a nice variety of worship service content each week. All of the members of the Team base their messages on solid Biblical content which provides basic Biblical teaching from the Word of God.
This church is family-focused in its approach and practices. Members are friendly and cordial to one another and welcoming to guests. Birthdays and Anniversaries are acknowledged and recognized each week with music and singing. Children are included in the early parts of the service and a special time for focus on children is part of each service before the children leave the service to have their own time for Sunday School activities. Following the worship service, members of all ages join with the children for a time of fellowship and refreshment in the church hall.
An optional adult Bible Study follows refreshment time in the church hall. During this study, adults meet around a table to review and discuss the scriptures which have been selected for the day and considered by the Worship Leader in the sermon presented earlier. This allows for a better understanding of the meaning of the morning scriptures because questions may be asked and discussed. The Bible study is very informal and no advance preparation is required.
Prayer is an important part of the services of First United Church Sherkston. In addition to the pastoral prayers in which community, national and international needs are mentioned, individual and family needs are frequently presented and remembered in prayer. There is also opportunity to remember in prayer other faith communities and churches. Prayer requests are circulated to members as needed using emails or telephone. Community residents who would like prayer support are encouraged to contact us with your requests. Please note that is is not necessary to be specific in your request for prayer.